If you’re looking for help to feel better…
This may be the right time for you. I specialize in working with people, young and old, who can make choices and learn self-corrective skills based in CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Willingness to change…
Change depends on the time or season of your life. However, if you are experiencing a desire or need to change something that has become a problem, such as feelings of sadness, anxiety, or anger, relationship stress or dissatisfaction, or habits like procrastination or unhealthy eating behaviors, you might be ready to explore therapy to find a solution.
How therapy works
New patients often wonder how long therapy will take. That's a difficult question to answer because each individual is unique and enters the therapy process at a different point in his or her life. In general, therapy starts out with taking some time to measure the basics.
I’ll assess your situation and gather your history. You’ll have a chance tell me about the problem and what you are hoping for. We’ll also talk about the mind and body connection. How you are taking care of yourself in the areas of nutrition, fitness level, sleep, and spirituality are huge mitigating factors in your wellness.
Finally, new patients will need to consider their willingness to do homework between sessions and practice what they are learning in order to be a large part of helping themselves. It is a commitment and not one that everyone may be prepared to make to get the results they want.